Page 81 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 81

Elite Investigative Journal
        Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sexual Victimization, pg 81-86
        ©2014-2016  SYT Global, Inc.
        Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sexual Victimization

        by Michael Nuccitelli, Psy. D.

                                                                                              Photo Courtesy of
        The data compiled from a University                  magnitude of RA, the psychological
        of New Hampshire College professor,                  wounds suffered by victims, and the

        David Finkelhor Ph.D. and his team’s                 strategies of supporting children and their
        national study from the late 1980’s still  families after sexual abuse victimization.
        remains enlightening. 25 years have

        almost passed and his categorization of              In Nursery Crimes: Sexual Abuse in
        Satanic Ritual Abuse (hereafter “SRA”)               Day Care (Sage Publications, January,

        and Ritual Abuse (hereafter “RA”)                    1988 pg.64), Dr. Finkelhor suggested a
        perpetrators into three segments is as               conceptual formulation still viewed as
        contemporary as ever. The three faces                a blueprint of the perpetrator’s criminal

        of the perpetrator engaged in SRA or                 mind. Paraphrasing his comments he
        RA having distinct motivations was                   stated, “The motivation for engaging

        brilliant then and brilliant now.                    in satanic ritual abuse may first be
                                                             “identification with evil” because it

        Data compiled also led him and his                   “ties together sexual and ritual abuse in
        team to conclude further research on                 the mindset and may explain why these

        SRA/RA was vital and professional                    offenders are attracted to so-called satanic
        awareness skills building was needed                 practices.”
        for the identification and investigation

        of potential future ritual child sex                 As an ethical researcher, Dr. Finkelhor
        abuse.                                               likely used conditional statements of “may
                                                             be” on two occasions in his comments so
        Additional research investigations was  as to not sound subjective. Not being a

        encouraged to attempt to define the                  college professor or an established

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