Page 84 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 84

Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sexual Victimization
        1. To seek out the reasons for the spread  The contemporary version depicting
        of FMS that is devastating families and  satanic cults and ritualistic ceremonies

        fragmenting communities.                              has been traced back to its roots during
                                                              the 11th century. Devil worship, ritual
        2. To work on ways to prevent this                    infant murder, and cannibalism the
        spread of FMS.                                        Cathar heretics in southern France were

                                                              alleged to be practicing by Catholic
        3. To aid those who were affected by
        FMS and to help bring their families                  clergy in their propaganda war. The
        back into a process of reconciliation.                Catholic Clergy’s proverbial marketing
                                                              campaigns proved to be highly effective.

        In addition to their mission of educating
        the public on the destructive nature                  After the Cathar heretics were squelched,
        of false memories, they also address                  the Catholic Clergy used the exact same

        repressed memories and the role of                    devil worshiping homicidal themes to
                                                              define their imagined enemies. From
        psychiatric illness in false memories.                these deprecating campaigns, moral and

        The False Memory Syndrome
        Foundation is a small Pennsylvanian                   political order within their communities
        organization of mostly parents and                    was possible. With Satan worship as

        community members. They are                           their smoking gun, the Catholic Church
                                                              quickly became a marketing machine.
        mentioned to illustrate how even the                  Over hundreds of years, stories based

        smallest of communities are engaged in
        this philosophical battle.                            in folklore were passed down from
                                                              generation to generation and satanic

        The Satanic cult ideology has been                    worship and abuse survived.

        deemed by opposing historians as a
        family of conspiracy legends, and                     The controversy has considerably waned
        subversion myths rooted in ancient                    since the media, religious, legal, and

        cultures. Opponents point out these                   political fire storms of the 1970’s through
                                                              the early 1990’s placed satanic worship
        historical conspiracy legends justified               and satanic ritual abuse on center stage.

        the persecution of witches, Jewish
        cultures, religious dissenters, Catholics,            Although presently not in the spotlight
        Freemasons, communists, and many                      as the years have passed, the passion

        other actions of genocide throughout                  for many remains high. The passion is
                                                              motivated by the hope one day SRA/
        history initiated by myths and                        RA will be confirmed as a widespread

        conspiracy theories.
                                                              practiced criminal activity

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