Page 79 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 79

A Case for Specialized and Specific Intervention and Treatment Strategies with Abused Children
        and allow the child’s emotions to get                This author’s anecdotal experiences in
        out of control due to history material.              the field treating abused children with

        He also comments on “spontaneous                     PTSD for some ten years is that there
        play”, but is not clear if this is in                are many front line clinicians that while

        opposition to structured play therapy                having adequate training and experience
        (p. 199) Gaensbaur goes on to note                   in psychotherapy and other multi modal
        that: “probably the most important                   techniques, have but a rudimentary

        contribution we can make as therapists  understanding of PTSD. In addition, they
        to the child’s recovery is to help parents  generally and largely rely on behavioral

        to deal with the child’s symptoms in                 approaches and techniques to address an
        the home environment.” (p.199) This                  abused child’s behavioral expressions of
        certainly would apply equally to foster  the disorder. Admittedly anecdotal study of

        parents when a child has been removed  the efficacy of such singularly behavioral
        from an abusive parent(s). Gaensbaur                 techniques has demonstrated that the

        addresses the behavioral acting out                  application appears to reliably escalate the
        related to PTSD by suggesting a two                  child’s symptoms and move them towards
        pronged approach that includes firm                  ultimate life and developmental altering

        limit setting and demonstration of                   decompensation. The problem appears
        empathy for the child’s expressed                    to be that children with PTSD often

        emotions as attached to the critical                 present strong oppositional symptoms
        incidents. (p. 200)                                  that are likely attached to their allosatatic
                                                             reactivity. This may be in addition to co
        This author’s anecdotal experiences                  morbid diagnoses. Many adults, even

        in the field treating abused children                trained clinicians, reflexively react to a
        with PTSD for some ten years is that                 child’s opposition with an increase of
        there are many front line clinicians                 pressure by way of behavioral techniques.

        that while having adequate training                  Such a shift to a behavioral pressure stance
        and experience in psychotherapy and                  can be quite subtle, and even unconscious

        other multi modal techniques, have but               on the part of the adult, but no less real in
        a rudimentary understanding of PTSD.                 effect on the child. Adults, who serve as
        In addition, they generally and largely              child protection workers, police officers,

        rely on behavioral approaches and                    attorneys, therapists, and judges, to a child,
        techniques to address an abused child’s              may begin the cuing and triggering of the

        behavioral expressions of the disorder.              child’s stress just by their titles.
        Admittedly anecdotal study of the
        efficacy of such singularly behavioral               Conclusions and Directions

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