Page 82 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 82
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sexual Victimization
empirical researcher as Dr. Finkelhor, large is mired in political correctness and
this forensic psychologist completely consistently assigning pathology to these
agrees with his astute hypothesis but human experiences. The controversy of
void of concern for needing to use SRA/RA being valid events performed
“may be.” Clearly, the psychodynamic using ritualistic methodologies has
elements motivating the perpetrator not budged in moving towards a
to sexually abuse and sadistically comprehensive theory of etiology. As
intimidate a child are macabre distorted interested parties spend their energies
cognates inspiring his atrocious acts. invested in dispute combating opposing
views, progress will remain at a snail’s
There have been many critics of Dr. pace.
Finkelhor’s research over the years
claiming his methods of data collection A percentage of survivors of child sexual
were less than empirically sound. abuse claiming satanic and/or ritual
As opposed to using his results for abuse are vehement in their beliefs of
further inquiry as he recommended, organized SRA practices. Adult survivors
his detractors fixated on his of childhood sexual abuse have little
experimental design losing sight of his difficulty reciting lists of revealing
accomplishments. court cases, supporting research articles,
academic based internet sites, first hand
His study and published results are survivor accounts, and professional
approaching the 25 years old mark, but therapist clinical accounts confirming
incredibly still relevant today in the ritual and/or satanic ritual abuse is alive
pursuit of investigating child sexual and continues to thrive in the hidden
abuse. The fact remains which cannot recesses of society.
be disputed is he focused attention on
the plight of innocent children who are Supporting their evidentiary proof is a
victimized sexually, physically, and staunch belief that an organized conspiracy
psychologically by adults engaged in functions in a covert manner and works
evil behaviors. to suppress information suggesting these
heinous practices are actively occurring on
After an exhaustive research inquiry a regular basis. Suspected are unidentified
covering the entire industry of groups of men and women intentionally
SRA/RA, the conclusion from this protecting child rapists, pedophiles, and
investigation has led this writer to cult activities. In addition to this subset of
surmise the social sciences and secret agents working to suppress all