Page 85 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 85
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sexual Victimization
involving sexual perversion, humiliation, illness, and 100’s of other related sites
and pain. Until that time, there will a will be displayed for visual consumption.
large contingent of skeptics working to
dissuade the public of considering the If the volume available online after an
potential SRA/RA actually exists. hour of web surfing is a barometer of the
battle being waged between factions, then
For those who view themselves as the only differences from 30-40 years
novices in the realm of succinctly ago is computer technology and the lack
conceptualizing SRA/RA, the truth of media coverage broadcasting satanic
is that the vast majority of citizens and/or deviant issues. It is absolutely
are also ignorant to the philosophical astounding to peruse the incredible
battles at play. Few Professionals amount of information sites.
trained in recognizing people engaged
in subversive activities are aware of the Whether choosing to believe SRA/
SRA/RA controversy. RA exists or not, the reality is ritual
abuse does occur both nationally and
These contentious battles between internationally. The controversy is
ideological camps are easily investigated frequency and motivation. Thousands of
if intrigued. By spending an hour or two children, women, and animals are abused
seated in front of a desk top computer, a and victimized for spiritual, religious,
brief search engine will offer the viewer sociopathic, sexual, and psychotic
an opportunity to witness the magnitude reasons. Neither camp would ever suggest
of an element of society few discuss in child sexual abuse is not widespread. The
public forums. theme of satanic worship in SRA has little
to do with the abuse children are exposed
By typing in the term, Satanic Ritual to.
Abuse or Ritual Abuse, a galaxy of
information will appear instantly. Niche Repressed memories, false memories,
specific websites, satanic worship sites, PTSD, DID, and other psychiatric
link lists pages, survivor organizations, illnesses are all unfortunate realities of
therapeutic blogs, national and local the human condition. Frequency, themes,
conferences, organizational gatherings, prevalence, and societal explanations
mental health contacts, religious are all moot points when imagining
organizations, and hundreds of other adult predators preying upon defenseless
websites geared to satanic ritual abuse, unassuming prey. Ongoing research and
satanic worship, mental educational investigations are