Page 131 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 131
shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy
sleep shall be sweet" (Proverbs 3:24 KJV). With the
world crumbling all around us, and all seeming so inse-
cure, to lie down in Christ's love and go to sleep is one
of the greatest of all gifts.
God doesn't just send sleep, He personally delivers
this gift. It is His own hand that shuts the eyelids. We
consecrate our pillows, and His loving voice whispers.,
"Sleep, my child. All is well. Let me take over from
here. Let me watch while you rest."

6. Quit Worrying
Some people work all day and worry all night. We
act like possessed guards who have laid up in our store- -
houses something so precious we dare not sleep, lest we
somehow lose it. Grasping, envious, materialistic people
cannot sleep well. Contentment is the Holy Ghost tran-
quilizer that leads to sound and godly sleep. Your bed is
often a "think tank" where goodness or mischievousness
is devised. Therefore, we must bring every thought into
captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ.
All God's true children are entitled to His promises
to grant the gift of sleep. Don't question your divine
right. Rid your mind of all vain thoughts first. They are
the culprits that hinder the receiving of this gift. These
thoughts of revenge, immorality, and hopelessness are
like a pack of murdering thieves who break in only to
rob us of peace of mind and godly sleep. Prayer pro-
vides wings to fly above all these maundering thoughts.
Sleep is a direct result of feeling safe. It comes from
fully trusting that God is really holding us up. Why do
we not trust God to keep us safe through every storm
and calamity? Simply because we are not sure of His
promises! We are not sure they are for us today: Un-
sure that we understand what they mean. Unsure we are
interpreting them in the light of our own needs. Unsure
we can make them work for us. Unsure about our wor -
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