Page 129 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 129
Many are being prompted to move out of cities. God
is raising up many "depots of blessing." These are Holy
Ghost centers of evangelism and small cities of refuge
that will one day be mightily used by God to bless thou-
sands. But the God who calls some to the countryside is
also calling many to a new dedication to evangelize the
city. God's faithful army of children who live and work
in the city will be granted special grace and power.
They will be spared and delivered with a high and
mighty hand. Only the undeserving, coldhearted Chris-
tian will suffer the loss of all things. Some overcoming
Christians will be taken in the hour of judgment, choos-
ing to be with the Lord rather than to be delivered.
There will be violence in the smallest towns, as in the
city. Where there is no drought, there will be economic
disaster. So there is no reason to seek a change of ad-
dress. You who believe will carry your safety with you.
In God, you are safe right where you are.
God's message to those who live in the cities—who
live in the areas of severe earthquake, drought, social
unrest, violence—is simply this: "Having done all—
stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."

4. Don't Be Deceived by }Iwnan Prophecies
There are four kinds of prophecy: historical, inspira-
tional, human, and false. It is possible for many Chris-
tians to be deceived by human prophetic letters, mes-
sages, and warnings that suggest dates, times, and
seasons of judgment. Be careful; try the spirits.
Jesus warned of prophecies about ". . . going to the
wilderness . . . or some secret place . . . go not with
them. . . ." Never listen to or be alarmed by prophe-
cies that suggest you run, hide, escape from judgment
on a specific date or a specific place. The call of all
true prophecy is to repent—not hide or run. "A fool
knows all about the future and tells everyone in detail!
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