Page 132 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 132
thiness to receive them. So we often prefer to stay in the
dark concerning all His precious promises. Then, when
we don't get what we expected, we have an excuse: "I
don't understand, I guess!"
Sleep comes when you convince yourself you have a
powerful Friend who promises to use all His great
power and resources to make you safe and secure.
Imagine a friend so powerful that no wind blows with-
out His command—no earthquake or flood strikes
without His permission—no famine or drought occurs
without His word of judgment—no world leader
breathes an extra breath without His granting it—no
demon possesses an ounce of human flesh without His
knowledge-.--no sparrow falls to the ground without His
counting it—no hair sprouts on any head without His
numbering it—no life exists without His breathing it.
That is our powerful Friend who promises to give us the
gift of sleep!
Our believing time becomes God's working time. We
start God working for us when we start trusting. And
since good nights lead to good days, we must let Him be
our bodyguard twenty-four hours each day.
God never sleeps. "He that keepeth thee will not
slumber . . . he that keepeth Israel shall neither slum-
ber nor sleep" (Psalms 121:2,3 KJV). He never tires,
never wearies. Nor does the devil ever sleep. But God
never lets Satan out of His sight. God stands watch over
His own. No intruder can take us unaware. He is "thy
keeper." That is very personal. He is yours—all the
time. Neither daylight nor moonlight calamities can over-
take us. "The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the
moon by night" (Ibid. v. 6). And if God is protecting
you, Satan can't have you—no matter how hard he
tries. Who has all power? Who conquered death, hell,
and the grave? Who made the devil His footstool? God!
And a never-sleeping God will cause me to "lie down in
peace, feeling safe, preserved from all evil!"
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