Page 135 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 135
certainty to our faith. This must be the one great fixed
principle of our lives. He is mine, and I am under His
personal contract of protection.
I must remember God is not fighting against me. He
is for me! He wants my soul to prosper and be in
health. He puts a lump of sugar in every cup of bitter-
ness. And if He puts us out in a storm, He makes sure
we have a good boat under us.
God is not only at work saving and convicting the
whole world, He is busy working at saving just me. We
never doubt His presence and power in the universe,
but we doubt His presence and power in our own lives.
We believe He cares for the needy, the down-and-outer,
the addict, the prostitute, the hopeless—but we cannot
seem to believe He is just as interested in us. God is not
just 'cup there" engaged in running the universe—He is
"down here" at work running my personal affairs. He is
never so preoccupied with world affairs that He cannot
hear the slightest whisper of my needs. He fills all the
heavens, but He also fills my heart.
Here is where we corrupt our faith. We have a de-
formed, accommodating vision of God. We understand so
little of Him; He appears as a blank, and our imagina-
tion paints in the image. Our thoughts are not His
thoughts, and our ways are not His ways. His ways are
as far above ours as the heavens are above the earth.
But the danger lies in seeing God as one so big, so
preoccupied with running the universe, that He cannot
be interested in the small, personal details of our lives.
That is blasphemy. You make God what He really
wants to be in your vision when you trust Him to be
involved in every breath you breathe and every move
you make.
2. God Alone Will Save
God is jealous and will allow no co-rivals for our de-
liverance. And there is not one intelligent reason why
principle of our lives. He is mine, and I am under His
personal contract of protection.
I must remember God is not fighting against me. He
is for me! He wants my soul to prosper and be in
health. He puts a lump of sugar in every cup of bitter-
ness. And if He puts us out in a storm, He makes sure
we have a good boat under us.
God is not only at work saving and convicting the
whole world, He is busy working at saving just me. We
never doubt His presence and power in the universe,
but we doubt His presence and power in our own lives.
We believe He cares for the needy, the down-and-outer,
the addict, the prostitute, the hopeless—but we cannot
seem to believe He is just as interested in us. God is not
just 'cup there" engaged in running the universe—He is
"down here" at work running my personal affairs. He is
never so preoccupied with world affairs that He cannot
hear the slightest whisper of my needs. He fills all the
heavens, but He also fills my heart.
Here is where we corrupt our faith. We have a de-
formed, accommodating vision of God. We understand so
little of Him; He appears as a blank, and our imagina-
tion paints in the image. Our thoughts are not His
thoughts, and our ways are not His ways. His ways are
as far above ours as the heavens are above the earth.
But the danger lies in seeing God as one so big, so
preoccupied with running the universe, that He cannot
be interested in the small, personal details of our lives.
That is blasphemy. You make God what He really
wants to be in your vision when you trust Him to be
involved in every breath you breathe and every move
you make.
2. God Alone Will Save
God is jealous and will allow no co-rivals for our de-
liverance. And there is not one intelligent reason why