Page 54 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 54
capital of the world. America has become Satan's
dumping ground for the dregs from hell. Over 780 thea-
ters show X-rated movies now on a regular basis, in-
cluding the so-called high-class ones in our most sophis-
ticated suburbs. Even in our smallest cities there are
grubby sex-book stores, 8mm peep shows, massage par-
lors, and strip joints. These "temptation zones" were
once contained in large cities, in the most rundown sec-
tions. Nowadays, America is so deep into Satan's porno
plague, an avalanche is under way coast to coast. Walk
into almost any newsstand, anywhere in the nation, and
your mind gets a mud bath. America's sexual-media
madness makes this nation far more corrupted than
Sodom. They had no glossy sex magazines, no X-rated
movies, no dirty television programming.
Try to tell me America is not another Sodom, and I'll
tell you: that is premeditated ignorance. The shadow of
Sodom looms over our whole society.
If the Lord of Hosts had not stepped in to save
a few of us, we would have been wiped out as
Sodom and Gomorrah were.
(Isaiah 1:9 LB)

The Two-Billion-Dollar Slap in God's Face
Smut has mushroomed into a two-billion-dollar-a-
year crime-infested industry. While the church and the
courts retreat and sit around in fear, Mafia allies are
waging a full-scale war on decency and righteousness.
Porno now invades every segment of this corrupted so-
What have we come to in America when an admitted
former prostitute, Xaviéra Hollander, sells nine million
books boasting about her immorality? When Playboy
magazine displays a cover with scenes of women mas-
turbating? When topless chauffeurs whisk tourists in
black Cadillacs from fancy hotels to sleazy massage par-
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