Page 53 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 53
our day, homosexuals once again profane that which is
holy and sacred. Our sexual behavior has become like
Sodom's—violent, bizarre, and bloody. It is not safe to
walk our streets. Rapists, sex maniacs, and sadists haunt
our cities and towns. Our nation has become just like
Sodom. There are thousands now who are so perverted
they would attack angels on any street corner, if given
the chance.
The cry of our sins has reached the throne of God.
God has said, "Enough." Judgment has already been
pronounced on the depraved, and God's messengers go
up and down the land warning "sinners, Prepare; flee the
wrath of God; judgment is coming."
Will God not judge a nation that allows its men to
parade the streets strutting like peacocks in women's
clothing? How long will God permit the perverted to
rape, murder, molest, and prey on the innocent? How
much longer can God permit smut, demon-inspired
perversions, and sadistic films to break out unchecked?
The nation is stung by this overwhelming baptism of
ifith—its courts are helpless and timid, its leaders afraid
to act, and its righteous people lethargic. All the re-
straints are fading. Guilt is disappearing. And we have be-
come worse than Sodom without even knowing how it hap-
God looks down from heaven, searching among
all mankind to see if there is a single one who does
right and really seeks for God. But all have turned
their backs on him; they are filthy and with sin—
corrupt and rotten through and through.
(Psalms 53:2,3 LB)
The United States of Sodom
America is right now totally diseased with the plague
of pornography. Moral standards are in complete disar -
ray. In fact, the United States will soon be the porno
holy and sacred. Our sexual behavior has become like
Sodom's—violent, bizarre, and bloody. It is not safe to
walk our streets. Rapists, sex maniacs, and sadists haunt
our cities and towns. Our nation has become just like
Sodom. There are thousands now who are so perverted
they would attack angels on any street corner, if given
the chance.
The cry of our sins has reached the throne of God.
God has said, "Enough." Judgment has already been
pronounced on the depraved, and God's messengers go
up and down the land warning "sinners, Prepare; flee the
wrath of God; judgment is coming."
Will God not judge a nation that allows its men to
parade the streets strutting like peacocks in women's
clothing? How long will God permit the perverted to
rape, murder, molest, and prey on the innocent? How
much longer can God permit smut, demon-inspired
perversions, and sadistic films to break out unchecked?
The nation is stung by this overwhelming baptism of
ifith—its courts are helpless and timid, its leaders afraid
to act, and its righteous people lethargic. All the re-
straints are fading. Guilt is disappearing. And we have be-
come worse than Sodom without even knowing how it hap-
God looks down from heaven, searching among
all mankind to see if there is a single one who does
right and really seeks for God. But all have turned
their backs on him; they are filthy and with sin—
corrupt and rotten through and through.
(Psalms 53:2,3 LB)
The United States of Sodom
America is right now totally diseased with the plague
of pornography. Moral standards are in complete disar -
ray. In fact, the United States will soon be the porno