Page 74 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 74
Shortages at home and a loss of all national stockpiles
will trigger the wave of private stockpiling by individual
Sons of dust, when the people of this land sin
against me, then I will crush them with my fist and
break off their food supply and send famine to de-
stroy both man and beast.
(Ezekiel 14:13 LB)
No Secondary Causes
There is no such thing as an accidental failure of
crops. There are no secondary causes. It is God who
shuts off the supply of food. God holds the key to
clouds. All the water supply is in His hand. He mea-
sures every drop of rain and sends it to its chosen des-
Scientists will try to explain the drought as just an-
other dry cycle. They see only secondary causes such as
weather cycles, pollution, wind patterns. They refute the
Bible that says, "It is God who turneth a fruitful field
into barrenness for the wickedness of them that dwell
therein . . ." (Psalms 107:33,34).
The same God who judged ancient Egypt by drought,
who is even now judging other nations of this world
with famine, will also judge America with severe
drought: ". . . Thou art the land that is not cleansed,
nor rained upon in the day of indignation" (Ezekiel
22:24 KJv).
Speak of blindness to Judgment. Drought had burned
up all the pastures of Israel. The trees and vineyards
were all destroyed. Lakes, streams, and springs were
dry as dust. Water was being sold at high prices. Yet
Israel would not admit it was divine judgment.
Israel doth not know, my people doth not
(Isaiah 1:3 KJV)
will trigger the wave of private stockpiling by individual
Sons of dust, when the people of this land sin
against me, then I will crush them with my fist and
break off their food supply and send famine to de-
stroy both man and beast.
(Ezekiel 14:13 LB)
No Secondary Causes
There is no such thing as an accidental failure of
crops. There are no secondary causes. It is God who
shuts off the supply of food. God holds the key to
clouds. All the water supply is in His hand. He mea-
sures every drop of rain and sends it to its chosen des-
Scientists will try to explain the drought as just an-
other dry cycle. They see only secondary causes such as
weather cycles, pollution, wind patterns. They refute the
Bible that says, "It is God who turneth a fruitful field
into barrenness for the wickedness of them that dwell
therein . . ." (Psalms 107:33,34).
The same God who judged ancient Egypt by drought,
who is even now judging other nations of this world
with famine, will also judge America with severe
drought: ". . . Thou art the land that is not cleansed,
nor rained upon in the day of indignation" (Ezekiel
22:24 KJv).
Speak of blindness to Judgment. Drought had burned
up all the pastures of Israel. The trees and vineyards
were all destroyed. Lakes, streams, and springs were
dry as dust. Water was being sold at high prices. Yet
Israel would not admit it was divine judgment.
Israel doth not know, my people doth not
(Isaiah 1:3 KJV)