Page 76 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 76
quoted by Jesus and the disciples, warned this last gen-
eration of a horrible drought coming to the world. I be-
lieve America is included in this amazing prophecy:
The fields are bare of crops. Sorrow and sad-
ness are everywhere. The grain, the grapes, the ol-
ive oil are gone. Well may you farmers stand so
shocked and stricken; well may you vinedressers
weep. Weep for the wheat and the barley too, for
they are gone. The grapevines are dead; the fig
trees are dying; the pomegranates wither; the ap-
ples shrivel on the trees; all joy has withered with
them. 0 priests, robe yourselves in sackcloth. 0
ministers of my God, lie all night before the altar,
weeping. For there are no more offerings of grain
and wine for you. Announce a fast; call a solemn
meeting. Gather the elders and all the people into
the Temple of the Lord your God, and weep be-
fore him there. Alas, this terrible day of punish-
ment is on the way. Destruction from the Almighty
is almost here! Our food will disappear before our
eyes; all joy and gladness will be ended in the
Temple of our God. The seed rots in the ground;
the barns and granaries are empty; the grain has
dried up in the fields. The cattle groan with hun-
ger; the herds stand perplexed for there is no pas-
ture for them; the sheep bleat in misery. Lord,
help us! For the heat has withered the pastures
and burned up all the trees.
(Joel 1:10-19 LB)
Pestilence and Prayer Meetings
Scientists may try to explain the spreading drought
conditions as another dry cycle, but they will not be
able to explain away the infestation of worms and pes-
tilences of crop- and root-destroying insects that are
coming. Prayer meetings and days and weeks of prayer
eration of a horrible drought coming to the world. I be-
lieve America is included in this amazing prophecy:
The fields are bare of crops. Sorrow and sad-
ness are everywhere. The grain, the grapes, the ol-
ive oil are gone. Well may you farmers stand so
shocked and stricken; well may you vinedressers
weep. Weep for the wheat and the barley too, for
they are gone. The grapevines are dead; the fig
trees are dying; the pomegranates wither; the ap-
ples shrivel on the trees; all joy has withered with
them. 0 priests, robe yourselves in sackcloth. 0
ministers of my God, lie all night before the altar,
weeping. For there are no more offerings of grain
and wine for you. Announce a fast; call a solemn
meeting. Gather the elders and all the people into
the Temple of the Lord your God, and weep be-
fore him there. Alas, this terrible day of punish-
ment is on the way. Destruction from the Almighty
is almost here! Our food will disappear before our
eyes; all joy and gladness will be ended in the
Temple of our God. The seed rots in the ground;
the barns and granaries are empty; the grain has
dried up in the fields. The cattle groan with hun-
ger; the herds stand perplexed for there is no pas-
ture for them; the sheep bleat in misery. Lord,
help us! For the heat has withered the pastures
and burned up all the trees.
(Joel 1:10-19 LB)
Pestilence and Prayer Meetings
Scientists may try to explain the spreading drought
conditions as another dry cycle, but they will not be
able to explain away the infestation of worms and pes-
tilences of crop- and root-destroying insects that are
coming. Prayer meetings and days and weeks of prayer