Page 21 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (26.09.17) Advanced Level
P. 21
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
One-page format to print (Advanced Level)
Thanks to the Microwave
It was always there for us. When we improvised pizza on half a pita, when
we discovered that to make a hotdog in a bun, all that was needed was a
ready hotdog in a bun for the microwave, just heat and serve [it]. When the
black [coffee] of the morning needed some heat stroke to wake up. When
we wanted to tie up a loose end in the middle of the night and we stopped
a second before the beep, so that we don’t wake up the house. This is the
time to thank it, thank your warming microwave, and move on to a
microwave that also bakes and cooks! New! Samsung’s combined
microwaves – the tastes of an oven, the speed of a microwave.
Page 21 - Edition 09-26-17
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