Page 21 - E-Tone 11-03-15 High Intermediate Level
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E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest #11-03-15

                                      Item #4 (High Intermediate Level)

                      Social Security Online

“So, how did it turn out?” - “Let’s order a pizza.”
“Perach, we said no eating out as long as I’m unemployed.”
“So, did you file a social security claim for unemployment? Well, you
“What, all the way to the local office, go on the bus, walk the street, be run
dowm by a motorized scooter…”
“Why go? Go on social security’s website and file the claim online.”
“Naah, all the way to the website? Turn a computer on, go online, see
banners, banners, what?”
“Here you go.” - “What?!” - “And I ordered us a pizza on the way.” -
“No!” - “Open (the door), that’s the pizza.”
“Naah, all the way to the door? Stand up, put on fli-flops, get dizzy…”
Social security is expanding (its) online services: (You) can file claims for
stipends online quickly and simply, without coming to (your) local office.
Social security online, click it.

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