Page 29 - ICurriculum-IM-Uni1-RD-14-06-16-V24101
P. 29

                              IM-Unit 1

     Examples of the Music (core vowels) of Each Group

Listen to this part on the CD at least twice to get a good feel for the
sound pattern.

‫ ִב ְנ ָּין‬Binyan Music       Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Remarks

(name)        (vowels)

 ‫ָּפ ַעל‬       ַ ָּ            ‫ָּכ ַתב‬           ‫ָּל ַמד‬      ‫ָּי ַשב‬
Pa'al                         Wrote            Studied        sat

‫ִה ְפ ִעיל‬    ‫ִו ִו‬           ‫ִה ְר ִגיש‬        ‫ִה ְז ִמין‬    ‫ִה ְפ ִסיק‬
Hif'eel                        Felt            invited        stopped

   ‫ִפ ֵעל‬     ִֵ               ‫ִד ֵּבר‬         ‫ִס ֵּפר‬           ‫ִט ֵּיל‬
  Pi'el                       Spoke            told           traveled,
              ...i...e...                                      toured
 ‫ה ְת ַפ ֵעל‬
Hitpa'el      ‫ִה ְת ַ ֵו‬        ‫ִה ְת ַל ֵּבש‬  ‫ִה ְת ַח ֵּתן‬  ‫* ִה ְז ַד ֵּקן‬                                      Contains
                              got dressed        got                                                               active and
              hit...a...e...                                   got old                                             passive
                                               married                                                             verbs

 ‫ֻּפ ַעל‬      ‫ֻּפ ַטר ֻוּ ַו‬                      ‫ֻּק ַדם‬         ‫ֻּס ַכם‬
Pu'al                                             was              was
                 ...u...a... was laid off      promoted       summarized
 ‫ֻּה ְפ ַעל‬
Huf'al        ַ ‫ֻּה‬            ‫ֻּה ְר ַגש‬       ‫ֻּה ְז ַמן‬        ‫ֻּה ְפ ַסק‬
                              was felt          was           was stopped
 ‫ִנ ְפ ַעל‬    hu...a...                        invited
              ַ ‫ִנ‬             ‫ִנ ְכ ַנס‬        ‫ִנ ְל ַמד‬        ‫ִנ ְפ ַגש‬                                         Contains
                              entered            was          met (with)                                           active and
              ni...a...                        learned                                                             passive

*The verb ‫ ִה ְז ַד ֵקן‬sounds a bit different from the pattern, it still belongs to the

 Hitpa'el Binyan. The explanation is found in the relevant section.

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                             .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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