Page 32 - ICurriculum-IM-Uni1-RD-14-06-16-V24101
P. 32

                   IM-Unit 1

          Prefix Patterns - Explanation

Pronoun→  ‫ ֲא ַנ ְחנּו‬.4 ‫ הּוא‬.3 ‫ ִהיא‬/‫ ַא ָּתה‬.2   ‫ ֲא ִני‬.1
Prefix →   ....‫ נ‬....‫ י‬....‫ת‬                       ....‫א‬

‫א ֲא א‬1. The first letter of ‫ ִני‬indicates the of the prefix.
‫ת ָּת ת‬2. The of ‫ ַא ה‬indicates the of the prefix.

  ‫ָּת‬The verb pattern for ‫ ִהיא‬is exactly like for ‫ ַא ה‬.
‫י ּו ו‬3. The of ‫ ה א‬is represented by a as the prefix.
‫נ ַנ נ‬4. The of ‫ א ְחנּו‬indicates the of the prefix.

     Pronoun →     ‫ ֵהם‬.3 ‫ ַא ֶתם‬.2                            ‫ ַא ְת‬.1
Prefix & Suffix →
                   ‫ ּו‬...‫ ּו י‬...‫ת‬                 ‫י‬...‫ת‬

  ‫ת ְת ת‬1. The of ‫ ַא‬indicates the of the prefix.
    ‫י‬The ending is always .

  ‫ת ֶת ת‬2. The of ‫ ַא ם‬indicates the of the prefix .
    ‫ּו‬The ending is always .

  ‫ּו י‬3. The prefix for ‫ ֵהם‬is , same as for ‫הּוא‬. The ending is always


Study and memorize the future pattern charts and fill in the
correct prefixes and suffixes for each pronoun in the following

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                            .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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