Page 32 - ICurriculum-IM-Uni1-RD-14-06-16-V24101
P. 32
IM-Unit 1
Prefix Patterns - Explanation
Pronoun→ ֲא ַנ ְחנּו.4 הּוא.3 ִהיא/ ַא ָּתה.2 ֲא ִני.1
Prefix → .... נ.... י....ת ....א
א ֲא א1. The first letter of ִניindicates the of the prefix.
ת ָּת ת2. The of ַא הindicates the of the prefix.
ָּתThe verb pattern for ִהיאis exactly like for ַא ה.
י ּו ו3. The of ה אis represented by a as the prefix.
נ ַנ נ4. The of א ְחנּוindicates the of the prefix.
Pronoun → ֵהם.3 ַא ֶתם.2 ַא ְת.1
Prefix & Suffix →
ּו... ּו י...ת י...ת
ת ְת ת1. The of ַאindicates the of the prefix.
יThe ending is always .
ת ֶת ת2. The of ַא םindicates the of the prefix .
ּוThe ending is always .
ּו י3. The prefix for ֵהםis , same as for הּוא. The ending is always
Study and memorize the future pattern charts and fill in the
correct prefixes and suffixes for each pronoun in the following
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. העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן