Page 31 - ICurriculum-IM-Uni1-RD-14-06-16-V24101
P. 31

                      IM-Unit 1

         General Structure of the Future Tense

Future tense in Hebrew is characterized by adding prefixes to the
verb “kernel” as opposed to adding suffixes in the past tense.
Let’s look at the following chart to follow the pattern of the verb
structure in future tense.

We divide the chart into two parts:

Pronoun→ ‫ֲא ַנ ְחנּו‬       ‫הּוא‬      ‫ ִהיא‬/‫ַא ָּתה‬  ‫ֲא ִני‬

Prefix → ....‫ נ‬....‫ י‬....‫ ת‬....‫א‬

In the above chart of prefixes we can find connection between the
pronouns and the prefixes. Please note that there is a certain
correspondence between the first or second letter of the pronoun
and the letter of the prefix.

Pronoun →  ‫ * ֵהן‬/ ‫ *אַ ֶתן ֵהם‬/ ‫ַא ְת ַא ֶתם‬

Prefix & Suffix → ‫ ּו‬...‫י‬            ‫ ּו‬...‫ת‬        ‫י‬...‫ת‬

In the above chart we can find connection between the pronouns
and the prefixes. Please note that there is a certain correspondence
between the first or second letter of the pronoun and the letter of
the prefix. Here we also find the endings which are always used
with the corresponding pronoun.

As we will see the verb "kernel" in the future tense is easily
derived from the infinitive form.

* In Modern Hebrew verbs used with feminine pronouns ‫ הן‬and ‫ אתן‬are
usually conjugated in the future tense the same way as for masculine ‫הם‬
and ‫ אתם‬and therefore the feminine plural form will not be addressed

throughout this book.

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                .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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