Page 4 - Syllabus kita Alef - ENG 070222
P. 4
The following is a detailed list of each unit within the program:
Unit Content Vocabulary Enrichment Materials
color, red, blue,
black, brown,
green, yellow,
white, what's up?
colors, sounds Video
Intro So-So/ Not good/
and vowels
good morning Song: “Kach nolad hatzeva”
The sound “A”
The sound “E”
I,I am
1 ' א תואה love/like Quizlet Live
Video: How are you?
who, in, come,
balloon, house, Video: Mi bakita?
“Bet” banana, dad,
“Vet” Story: “A tale of five balloons”
2 that's my...
ב ' ,' בּ תואה Days of the week Song: days of the week
Months of the Song: “12 yerechim”
ice cream, rain,
body parts: head, Video: body parts
“Gimel” eyes, nose, ears, Song: “Hokey pokey”
' ג תואה mouth, back, “Mi yachol lasim yad al ha…”
stomach, hands,
The sound “EE ”
“Daled” bear, fish, I have,
4 ' ד תואה no Song: “Yesh li shtey yadaim”
The sound “O”
“Hey” mom, how many Active presentation: numbers 1-5
5 ' ה תואה do I have, and
numbers 1-5 Video
and, pink, waffle, Active presentation: how many do I
6 yes, no, numbers have?
' ו תואה
6-10 Quizlet Live