Page 11 - NOVDEC 2023 ION Indie Magazine
P. 11

MC: This album is my first self-produced collection of songs. I wanted to write songs that
           my band could really groove on and get folks dancing at the nightclubs where we play. I
           ended  up  writing  a  bunch  of  different  songs,  including  a  slow  waltz  titled  ‘One  Man
           Woman,’ a southern rock style anthem called ‘Get It Girl,’ (which is meant for the ladies
           to get down to solo if they want), a Tex-Mex style song title ‘For Everything Bad, Mezcal,’
           and several more. Ten songs in total. I stretched my limits as a singer, songwriter, and
           arranger  on  this  album.  I'm  very  blessed  to  have  a  team  of  amazing  musicians  and  a
           fabulous  studio  here  in  Tucson,  Saint  Cecelia  Studios,  plus  an  accomplished  mixing
           engineer in Adam Selzer, who I worked with on my last album. I'm thrilled with the results!

          MH: What style of country music do you personally feel that you perform?

          MC: There are so many names and terms being thrown around
          these days. Maybe we'll make up a new one? ‘Desert Country?’
          Ha, ha! I think there's a bit of everything on this album -- from
          southern rock to red-dirt-country to country-blues and western
          swing. It's all danceable and it all has a traditional lean, featuring
          instruments like fiddle, pedal steel, telecaster guitar, and keys.

           MH: Do you have a specific writing process?
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