Page 66 - ION Indie Magazine JanFeb 2020 Issue
P. 66
“The Mirror Says It All” says, “The man in the mirror
doesn’t lie, it’s me.” It’s a truly self-evaluating song for all
of us to appreciate.
“Plain Jane,” Arnold wrote about his wife Sonya and
describes how much he truly appreciates what a treasure
she is in his life.
“By Faith Not By Sight” also
includes a duet with Judy
Bailey on “You’re My
Somebody.” For people that
know their country music
history, Judy had several hits in
the 80s for Columbia and
Warner Brothers Records,
including a top 10 duet with
Moe Bandy “Following The
A final note on this project, I
recommend listening to this
album in order of the songs on
the disc. In a world where we
download a song here and
there, sometimes the theme
meant to be conveyed gets
overlooked. Arnold takes the
listener on a musical journey
through fun, faith, and
hardship. His songs are truly
people put to music.
CD Baby: