Page 172 - Introduction to Tourism
P. 172

The  Organization  for  Economic  Cooperation  and

               Development (OECD) was set up under a convention,

               signed  in  Paris  on  December  14,  1960,  that  provides
               that  the  OECD  shall  promote  policies  designed  to  (1)

               achieve the highest sustainable economic growth and

               employment and a rising standard of living in member
               countries while maintaining financial stability, and thus

               to contribute to the development of the world economy;

               (2) contribute to sound economic expansion in member

               as  well  as  nonmember  countries  in  the  process  of
               economic  development;  and  (3)  contribute  to  the

               expansion      of   world     trade   on    a    multilateral,

               nondiscriminatory       basis     in    accordance       with
               international obligations.

               Members  of  OECD  are  Australia,  Austria,  Belgium,

               Canada,  Czech  Republic,  Denmark,  Finland,  France,

               Germany,  Greece,  Hungary,  Iceland,  Ireland,  Italy,
               Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New

               Zealand,  Norway,  Poland,  Portugal,  Slovak  Republic,

               Spain,  Sweden,  Switzerland,  Turkey,  the  United
               Kingdom,  and  the  United  States.  OECD  ’  s  Tourism

               Committee acts as a forum of exchange for monitoring

               policies    and    structural    changes      affecting   the
               development  of  international  tourism.  It  encourages

               further  liberalization  of  tourism  activities,  both  within

               and  outside  the  OECD  area,  and  has  undertaken the

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