Page 19 - SBrewing(April2021)
P. 19
Page 19
APRIL. 2021 | VOL. 16
As financial fears mount, 30% of hot beverage Want to ensure your equipment stands the
staff are more cautious when it comes to test of time?
handling their equipment since the pandemic
began. On hot beverage equipment that uses water, one
of the most effective ways to prevent premature
Here are three ways hot beverage breakdowns is by using the correct water filter
professionals can maintain their and exchanging it on time. This can help
equipment to ensure it stays in top eliminate damage and inefficiency over time
condition: caused by the build-up of limescale, ultimately
Enhanced cleaning: The majority (81%) of making equipment last longer.
hot beverage outlets have altered their
equipment cleaning and inspection regime BRITA Managed Services offer tailored
since the pandemic began, with the most packages to help relieve the pressure by
common reasons being to make it last supporting operators with preventative
longer and to ensure it complies with maintenance. By outsourcing services such as
hygiene guidelines. training, water testing, monitoring filter usage
and carrying out essential filter exchanges,
Learning new skills: Having the operators can rely on their equipment to have a
knowledge to fix and maintain equipment longer life span and deliver a smooth service
is especially useful during periods of when they need it most.
downtime from closures or restricted
opening, as maintenance work can easily If you would like more insight and expert
be carried out. Some 63% of hot beverage advice on how to navigate the challenges
professionals will be attending training associated with the pandemic and how
sessions, post lockdown, to learn how to fix preventative maintenance can help your
and maintain their equipment, helping business save time, money and reduce
them to save money in the long run. stress, take a look at our latest Beat The
Breakdown Toolkit here:
Focus on maintenance: Nearly one fifth
(17%) of hot beverage outlets have already
introduced preventative maintenance, You can visit the BRITA website here:
such as water filtration, to prevent
limescale build up and damage.
Tel: 0844 742 4940
It’s safe to say that in a time where budgets are
tighter than ever and operational down-time is
simply unfeasible, preventative maintenance BRITA Group
couldn’t be more important.