Page 20 - SBrewing(April2021)
P. 20
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APRIL. 2021 | VOL. 16
Industry Insight
with Julie Barker
FEA (the Foodservice Equipment Association)
recently launched the first modules of its
hugely anticipated and ground-breaking
Industry Insight database. Now FEA is working
on the next phase of the project, in
conjunction with the BSA.
He says,
“It’s a genuinely unique set of data that offers a
We are asking members for their valuable deep understanding of installed foodservice
input to deliver UK-wide insight into the
different sectors of the beverage equipment in the UK. There is nothing like this
on the market, the grass root granularity of
equipment market.
detail is incredible.”
What makes Industry Insight different is that it The database is supplied in modules covering
is based on live, constantly updated specific product areas, the first three to launch
information and, as well as giving overviews of being cooking and warming products,
the total market within each sector, it also warewashing and refrigeration. Next are
shows information by operator, allowing users beverage systems. Each module gives an
to drill down to individual sites, and by type of overview, with the total number of outlets and
equipment. It will show growth and contraction appliances in the market, then users can drill
and if the site is open or closed, due to the down by sector – pubs, hotels, education, and
so on – or by product type. In the case of
beverage systems, products will cover all types
Foodservice industry consultant Julie Barker is of hot drink equipment, plus cold systems such
working on the Industry Insight project and is as juice machines and water dispensers.
calling out for BSA members’ input and insight
into the beverage equipment market.
Data on individual sites is refreshed every week
by Caterlyst, the database company specialising
She said:
“The information will help us compile a in the foodservice market, with equipment
numbers reviewed quarterly. Each quarter
complete picture of the market by sector,” she
says. “It will be an integral part of a database subscribers receive an executive summary
report, highlighting trends and changes and
that will be incredibly useful to anyone
supplying the market.” giving a top line commentary.
Industry Insight gives the type of detailed
In development for two years, the aim of the market information that equipment suppliers
Industry Insight project is to create what FEA
chair Steve Hobbs describes as “an industry have been crying out for. Barker believes it will
become a vitally important component in many
companies’ sales, marketing and new product
development strategies.