Page 22 - SBrewing(April2021)
P. 22

Page 22                                               

                                                                                         APRIL. 2021 | VOL. 16

               Greg Campher on Easy José Coffee

      Greg Campher, head of coffee at UK-based                 What has the impact on your
      Easy José, recently spoke to The Guardian                business been?
      about his experience in Peru with the                    Luckily we got a heads up that it was

      Mayni people. The harvest shade-grown                    coming and weʼd heard on the grapevine
      coffee from under the canopy of trees, has               what kind of response could be expected,
      been said to have huge benefits for wildlife             so we were prepared!

      and the community.
                                                               We received 1500 orders online in 3 days
      We also got to speak to Greg to hear more                which was mind blowing and weʼve had

      about his experience.                                    over 50 wholesale enquiries, along with
                                                               emails from 15 other countries - itʼs been

                                                               Did you manage the extra orders ok?
                                                               Just about - there were two days of

                                                               roasting until 2am and we had to pull in 6
                                                               extra pairs of hands but the team got

                                                               through it with an incredible attitude.

                                                               Have any new opportunities come
                                                               since the publication?
       How did you come to get such great                      Weʼve been contacted by a handful of
       coverage in The Guardian?                               other channels, including the BBC and

       We were incredibly lucky with the coverage              some other big publications - keep an eye
       actually - a wonderful sustainability and               out for some more coverage soon!
       environmental journalist by the name of

       Anna Turns picked up our story and called
       me to find out more about the project. Anna
       did her

       research, speaking with Oliver at kew and a
       handful of other NGO agencies and wrote
       then piece. The response has been

       incredible, truly humbling.
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