Page 20 - SBrewing(May_June2022)
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                                                                                  MAY / JUNE . 2022 | VOL.25

         Covid and the foodservice sector

                                                             Taking stock, restaurants. Takeaways, pubs
                                                             have survived so far, helped up by
                                                             government support and the discovery of
                                                             delivery. Some sectors, feeding in hospitals
                                                             and care home, for example, have hardly
        Covid and the foodservice sector                     been affected, but others, such as businesses
                                                             associated with travel, accommodation or
        Track the performance of the food service            workplace feeding, are still trading well below
        sector over the two years of covid, and you          historical levels.
        see a sinuous line that grows, declines, shows
        false dawns, but above all, describes the            But it was not to last and anyway, overseas
        performance of the thousands of businesses,          visitors who contribute perhaps 10% of
        and the millions of lives that depend on             foodservice turnover at the peak of summer,
        them.                                                were absent. As the autumn approached and
                                                             then turned into winter, the sinuous line
        It starts in March 2020. March is normally the       started to fall. Delta appeared and
        month when the food service sector wakes             restaurants, pubs and quick service
        up – Valentine’s Day has just passed, Easter is      businesses were once again closed for
        on the way, and warm summer weather                  Christmas. But delivery continued to provide
        beckons on the horizon. And so it was in             a lifeline for many businesses.
        March 2020 – at least that’s what the first
        three weeks of the month looked like. And            With the onset of spring and the first
        then? Lockdown for the last week and all of          anniversary of covid, vaccines held open the
        April and May. Well into June, restaurants,          promise of controlling the pandemic and the
        coffee shops, takeaways, pubs, workplaces,           government opened up the food service
        and hotels were shut. The only sectors that          sector again. So business started to revive
        were still operational were hospitals and care       during the first few months of 2021. By the
        homes, the military and prisons plus some            summer it was back to the level seen in
        hotels that catered for front line workers. The      March 2020 and, although that was good to
        sinuous line plunged. Even so, restaurants           see, it still meant that business was 10% or so
        and takeaways discovered that delivery would         below what it should have been given that by
        keep (some of) their customers happy and             now it was summer, and there had been
        would provide some income (even though its           more than 2% inflation as well.
        profitability was questionable).
                                                             Autumn started off all right, and then the
        And then it appeared that perhaps covid may          omicron variant hit. Another lockdown was
        not have really been as bad as it might have         introduced, and Christmas saw a closed
        seemed, the government launched the Eat              restaurant, pub and hotel sector for a second
        Out to Help Out scheme and, at last, warmer          year. But as 2022 started, it was clear that the
        weather meant that people could again meet           new variant was not going to overload the
        outside. Restaurants and pubs started,               NHS as its forebears had done in the late
        tentatively, to open up many of them making          spring and the winter of 2020, so the
        imaginative use of outside spaces.                   business started to rebuild.
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