Page 16 - SBrewing(May_June2022)
P. 16

Page 16                                               

                                                                                  MAY / JUNE . 2022 | VOL.25

                             Meet The Boss!

                                                               What have been the main challenges and
                                                               what have you done to overcome them?
                                                               Have there been any positive outcomes
                                                               for them?

                                                               The main issues have been around costs and
                                                               price inflation. Unfortunately like most suppliers,
                                                               price increases have had to be passed on, but we
                                                               have kept these to a minimum and will continue
                                                               to do so. Coffee prices and raw materials for
                                                               packaging are at an all-time high, but the factory
                                                               continues to be innovative in order to keep
                                                               quality and supply continuous. Our customers
                                                               are very supportive and fully understand the
                                                               global situation.

                                                               Have you any advice or real lessons that
                                                               you could pass on?
                     Damon Wilson, 50,  lives in
                     Shropshire. Commercial Manager of         Be honest with your customers, and rely on world
                     Kimbo with 20 years of experience in      news and economic factors when talking about
                     the hot beverage category.                costs. Do not try and force high prices than
        How long have you been in this role?

        I have been the Commerical Manager of Kimbo            Have your working practices changed at
        for 5 ½ years now.                                     all?

        As a Business Manager can you tell us                  Yes, we are much more adapted to remote
        how you or your business has been                      working. We have recently moved offices to a site
        affected by recent world events either                 half the size but has more than enough space for
        negative or positive.                                  us to grow, smarter working from home with the
                                                               right tech frees up people’s routine and gives a
        As we supply solely into the HORECA channel our        better work/life balance.
        business suffered greatly, however, we have come
        through this leaner and stronger.

        How do you feel about the medium to
        longer-term outlook for your business?

        The outlook for Kimbo UK is very positive, we
        have entered the retail sector via Amazon vendor
        and RTM with a number of wholesalers, and our
        brand continues to grow in the HORECA sector.
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