Page 6 - SBrewing(May_June2022)
P. 6

Page 6                                               

                                                                                   MAY / JUNE . 2022 | VOL.25

                             Hydration at work

                                                               In ordinary situations, lapses in concentration
                                                               can lead to simple but harmless mistakes, but
                                                               in a busy kitchen, these errors of judgement
                                                               can be far more serious, especially when
                                                               working with hot liquids, sharp blades,
                                                               appliances, and heavy trays.
          When you’re busy at work, especially in a
        restaurant or café, it can be difficult to             What’re the best means of providing on-
        remember to drink enough water. Staying                site hydration?
        hydrated is one of the most important things you
        can do to aid concentration at work. Dehydration       Designated drinking water areas are proven to
        can affect your cognitive and motor skills and         encourage good drinking water habits.
        become a serious health and safety issue. BWT          Installing a water dispenser in these areas
        explain more about the importance of hydration         helps ensure staff can benefit from a cup of
        and how to stay hydrated.                              water when needed and even fill a sports
                                                               bottle which can be stored conveniently by
        Why is hydration important for those                   their workstation.
        working in hospitality?
                                                               Modern water dispensers are safe, hygienic,
        Busy restaurants and kitchens are notoriously          cost-effective and convenient. Many models
        dangerous places for the poorly trained and            are offered with a variety of dispensing options
        those not paying attention. In an environment          and a choice of filtration. Ensuring that your
        where staff are surrounded by slip hazards,            cooler is supplied and installed by an
        boiling water, sharp knives, hot surfaces and          accredited Water Dispenser and Hydration
        steam it is vitally important not to become            Association (WHA) member such as BWT, helps
        dehydrated and lose concentration. Whether             to guarantee it is installed and maintained
        working at pace in the front of the house or           correctly.
        hurrying behind the scenes in the kitchen it’s
        easy to forget about drinking water. In                Members of WHA are all subject to the WHA
        hospitality, time is often of the essence and          annual audit which ensures high standards are
        unfortunately, that means, on occasions,               maintained. Some water cooler models can be
        employees miss or skip regular hydration               supplied as 110 volts for added safety.
        opportunities.                                         Members ensure all equipment is PAT tested
                                                               prior to delivery, so you can be assured of

        By law, employers must provide access to               compliance with your health and safety
        drinking water in the workplace. Scientists say        requirements. With equipment able to be
        that a loss of 1% of body mass due to                  installed at short notice and hire contracts
        dehydration can impair performance. While even         tailored to the industry, on-site hydration
        low levels of dehydration can create headaches,        needs can be scaled up and down when
        lethargy, and a lack of alertness.                     necessary.
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