Page 94 - MY STORY
P. 94

That  was  OK.  We  just  did  not  appreciate  it  when  he

            attacked our  writing style instead  of the facts and data

            Retribution  at  last!  One  of  our  team  found  a  lengthy
            article in the Sunday Los Angeles Times that discussed
            the  characteristics  of  embezzlers,  especially  those  that

            stole large  sums  of money from  major  institutions like
            banks. One of the prime characteristics of these folk was
            the  simple  fact  that  they  were,  almost  universally,

            neatniks,  and  almost  always  maintained  desktops  that
            were completely uncluttered by anything visible, save the

            paperwork of the moment.

            That article was duly clipped from the paper and pasted to
            our bulletin board, just outside this manager’s office door.

            His outrage over the article was eclipsed by his demand to
            know who did the dastardly deed, which was answered by

            an “I don’t know” shrug.  The article always seemed to
            reappear after it was torn off the board.

            Many of us material engineers were “pack-rats.” Broken
            chunks of metal, laboratory samples near and dear to our
            hearts, engineering papers, and books, tools were stored

            in drawers or openly on our desks, bookcases, and floors.
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