P. 718

Anna Karenina

                                  exceptionally modest over his culture. There was not a
                                  subject he knew nothing of. But he did not display his
                                  knowledge except when he was compelled to do so. Still
                                  less could Levin say that he was a knave, as Sviazhsky was

                                  unmistakably an honest, good-hearted, sensible man, who
                                  worked good-humoredly, keenly, and perseveringly at his
                                  work; he was held in high honor by everyone about him,
                                  and certainly he had never consciously done, and was
                                  indeed incapable of doing, anything base.
                                     Levin tried to understand him, and could not
                                  understand him, and looked at him and his life as at a
                                  living enigma.
                                     Levin and he were very friendly, and so Levin used to
                                  venture to sound Sviazhsky, to try to get at the very
                                  foundation of his view of life; but it was always in vain.
                                  Every time Levin tried to penetrate beyond the outer
                                  chambers of Sviazhsky’s  mind, which were hospitably
                                  open to all, he noticed that Sviazhsky was slightly
                                  disconcerted; faint signs of alarm were visible in his eyes,
                                  as though he were afraid Levin would understand him,
                                  and he would give him a kindly, good-humored repulse.
                                     Just now, since his disenchantment with farming, Levin
                                  was particularly glad to stay with Sviazhsky. Apart from
                                  the fact that the sight of this happy and affectionate

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