P. 723

Anna Karenina

                                  answer, and listened, not without pleasure, to the
                                  landowner’s comic speeches.
                                     The gentleman with the gray whiskers was obviously
                                  an inveterate adherent of serfdom and a devoted

                                  agriculturist, who had lived  all his life in the country.
                                  Levin saw proofs of this in his dress, in the old-fashioned
                                  threadbare coat, obviously not his everyday attire, in his
                                  shrewd deep-set eyes, in his idiomatic, fluent Russian, in
                                  the imperious tone that had become habitual from long
                                  use, and in the resolute gestures of his large, red, sunburnt
                                  hands, with an old betrothal ring on the little finger.

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