P. 722

Anna Karenina

                                     ‘You teach in it yourself?’ asked Levin, trying to look
                                  above the open neck, but feeling that wherever he looked
                                  in that direction he should see it.
                                     ‘Yes; I used to teach in it myself, and do teach still, but

                                  we have a first-rate schoolmistress now. And we’ve started
                                  gymnastic exercises.’
                                     ‘No, thank you, I won’t have any more tea,’ said
                                  Levin, and conscious of doing a rude thing, but incapable
                                  of continuing the conversation, he got up, blushing. ‘I
                                  hear a very interesting conversation,’ he added, and
                                  walked to the other end of the table, where Sviazhsky was
                                  sitting with the two gentlemen of the neighborhood.
                                  Sviazhsky was sitting sideways, with one elbow on the
                                  table, and a cup in one hand, while with the other hand
                                  he gathered up his beard, held it to his nose and let it drop
                                  again, as though he were smelling it. His brilliant black
                                  eyes were looking straight at the excited country
                                  gentleman with gray whiskers, and apparently he derived
                                  amusement from his remarks. The gentleman was
                                  complaining of the peasants. It was evident to Levin that
                                  Sviazhsky knew an answer to this gentleman’s complaints,
                                  which would at once demolish his whole contention, but
                                  that in his position he could not give utterance to this

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