P. 721
Anna Karenina
because it was very white, deprived Levin of the full use of
his faculties. He imagined, probably mistakenly, that this
low-necked bodice had been made on his account, and
felt that he had no right to look at it, and tried not to look
at it; but he felt that he was to blame for the very fact of
the low-necked bodice having been made. It seemed to
Levin that he had deceived someone, that he ought to
explain something, but that to explain it was impossible,
and for that reason he was continually blushing, was ill at
ease and awkward. His awkwardness infected the pretty
sister-in-law too. But their hostess appeared not to observe
this, and kept purposely drawing her into the
‘You say,’ she said, pursuing the subject that had been
started, ‘that my husband cannot be interested in what’s
Russian. It’s quite the contrary; he is always in cheerful
spirits abroad, but not as he is here. Here, he feels in his
proper place. He has so much to do, and he has the faculty
of interesting himself in everything. Oh, you’ve not been
to see our school, have you?’
‘I’ve seen it.... The little house covered with ivy, isn’t
‘Yes; that’s Nastia’s work,’ she said, indicating her
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