P. 720

Anna Karenina

                                  appetite, excellent spirits, and that keen, intellectual mood
                                  which with him always accompanied violent physical
                                  exertion. And while out shooting, when he seemed to be
                                  thinking of nothing at all, suddenly the old man and his

                                  family kept coming back to his mind, and the impression
                                  of them seemed to claim not merely his attention, but the
                                  solution of some question connected with them.
                                     In the evening at tea, two landowners who had come
                                  about some business connected with a wardship were of
                                  the party, and the interesting conversation Levin had been
                                  looking forward to sprang up.
                                     Levin was sitting beside his hostess at the tea table, and
                                  was obliged to keep up a conversation with her and her
                                  sister, who was sitting opposite him. Madame Sviazhskaya
                                  was a round-faced, fair-haired, rather short woman, all
                                  smiles and dimples. Levin tried through her to get a
                                  solution of the weighty enigma her husband presented to
                                  his mind; but he had not complete freedom of ideas,
                                  because he was in an agony of embarrassment. This agony
                                  of embarrassment was due to the fact that the sister-in-law
                                  was sitting opposite to him, in a dress, specially put on, as
                                  he fancied, for his benefit, cut particularly open, in the
                                  shape of a trapeze, on her white bosom. This quadrangular
                                  opening, in spite of the bosom’s being very white, or just

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