Page 163 - Microsoft Word - 2_Inch_Drain_Adapter_PDS_2016_01_05
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Coal tar pitch built-up roofs responsibility for judging the
Lightweight insulating concrete acceptability of the roof substrate
or for the roof system's structural
Active asphalt integrity.
Unapproved base sheets INSTA-STIK is not recommended
COMPOSITION & MATERIALS for use on roof decks with greater
than a 2:12 slope. For higher
INSTA-STIK Professional Roof slopes, contact DL Engineering
Insulation Adhesive is a single Services for additional guidelines.
component, moisture cured
polyurethane adhesive. INSTA- ACCESSORIES
STIK is free of conventional
Figure 2: Flare tip nozzle for use on fluted solvents. INSTA-STIK Complete is Using the Multi-Bead Applicator
metal decks or in high wind conditions. (MBA) can dramatically increase
supplied in a 30 lb (14 kg) unit, 23 efficiency of dispensing INSTA-
lb (10 kg) net chemical weight, with STIK. The use of the MBA is
Compatible Roof Insulation and a flexible dispensing hose and
Gypsum Boards to Steel Decks: wand assembly. An on/off ball recommended on roof deck with
few penetrations and obstructions.
Polyisocyanurate valve at the end of the dispensing Please contact Duro-Last Customer
Fire-rated gypsum board 5/8" hose allows operational control for Service for availability.
(15.9 mm) minimum thickness. single-hand application. A flared
Dens-Deck® Fiberglass-Faced tipped nozzle (supplied) is ideal for
Gypsum Roof Board (Georgia use on fluted metal decks or in high
Pacific 1/4" [6.4 mm] minimum wind conditions. (See figure 2.)
thickness. INSTA-STIK Tank Only is supplied
Styrofoam* Deckmate* F/A in a 30 lb (14 kg) unit, 23 lb (10 kg)
Extruded Polystyrene Foam net chemical weight, with no
Insulation Type X. dispensing equipment.
Styrofoam* Deckmate* Plus F/A
Extruded Polystyrene Foam LIMITATIONS
Insulation type IV. INSTA-STIK is not approved for
Compatible Roof Insulation to Roof use with insulation boards larger
Insulation – Subsequent Layers: than 4'× 4' (1.2 ×1.2 m).
Expanded polystyrene (1.0 pcf INSTA-STIK is not approved for
[16.02 kg/m3] minimum). use when roof surface or ambient
Polyisocyanurate temperatures are below 33°F
Oriented Strand Board (OSB). (0.6°C) or above 110°F (43°C). Figure 3: Installation using MBA
Styrofoam* Deckmate* F/A INSTA-STIK is not approved for
Extruded Polystyrene Foam use during inclement weather.
Insulation Type. INSTA-STIK is not approved for
Styrofoam* Deckmate* Plus F/A use on wet surfaces or on decks
with standing water.
Extruded Polystyrene Foam
Insulation type IV. INSTA-STIK is not approved for
use on surfaces with frost, ice or
Other types of metal or fiberglass INSTA-STIK is not approved for
reinforced decks must be reviewed use on loose gravel or on
and approved by the Duro-Last excessively dirty or grease-laden
Engineering Services Department. surfaces.
INSTA-STIK is not approved for
NONCOMPATIBLE use if the product has expired.
APPLICATIONS INSTA-STIK is not approved for
Noncompatible Roof Insulation use in attaching base sheets and
Boards: membranes.
Standard extruded polystyrene INSTA-STIK is not approved for
(Contact Duro-Last Engineering use on any active asphalt or most
Services for approved products) asphaltic-coated base sheets.
Fiberglass 2 of 4 800-248-0280
Duro-Last and “World’s Best Roof” are registered trademarks owned by Duro-Last, Inc.
Created: 01/01/2009 Revised: 12/30/2015