Page 162 - Microsoft Word - 2_Inch_Drain_Adapter_PDS_2016_01_05
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INSTA-STIK™ Professional Roof Maintains adhesion during
Insulation Adhesive freeze/thaw cycles.
Prevents shifting of insulation
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA boards in high wind conditions in
SHEET: loose-laid and ballasted
1. GMID: 279404 applications.
Maximizes wind uplift resistance.
No fastener/steel deck corrosion
The Dow Chemical Company or fastener backout.
North American Systems House No thermal conductivity.
Building Products Group
1881 West Oak Parkway No structural deck damage
caused by mechanical fasteners
Marietta, GA 30062 No compressed or melted
Tech Support: (888) 868-1183
Fax: (770) 423-4395 insulation.
Cust Service: (800) 366-4740 No obnoxious odor or noise
Fax: (800) 326-1054 pollution.
E-mail: No building height restrictions. No puncturing of vapor retarders. Figure 1: INSTA-STIK Complete Kit
No asphalt penetration into
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION building interior (steel deck).
Insulation Adhesive is a single Treated/untreated lumber.
component polyurethane adhesive Compatible Roof Insulations: Treated/untreated plywood.
dispensed from a portable Expanded polystyrene. Cleaned galvanized steel
disposable prepressurized Polyisocyanurate.
container requiring no external Foamglas.
power source (See figure 1).
Styrofoam* Deckmate* F/A Additional preparation procedures
BASIC USE Extruded Polystyrene Foam are necessary for graveled and
Insulation Type X. spudded built-up roofs. Refer to
lNSTA-STIK is used to attach Styrofoam* Deckmate* Plus F/A insulation manufacturer's FM Global
compatible roof insulation boards to Extruded Polystyrene Foam (FMG) listing for minimum
roof decks and substrates in new Insulation type IV. insulation thickness requirements.
roof and roof replacement
applications, including insulation Compatible Roof Decks and The FMG listings are for specific
board to insulation board, insulation Substrates: combinations of insulation materials
board to Class I graveled and non- Lightweight structural concrete. and substrates. Please contact
graveled (bald) built-up roofs for re- Poured-in-place concrete; cured Duro-Last Engineering Services or
cover applications, and insulation or for a minimum of 28-days. FMG to determine if the
gypsum board to 22 gauge and Precast concrete. combination of roofing materials for
thicker steel decks and wood Cementitious wood fiber plank a specific roofing project meets the
decks. (pull test required). desired approval.
INSTA-STIK is also used to attach Lightweight structural plank. STEEL DECK APPLICATIONS
compatible roof insulation in loose- Vapor barriers, temporary Compatible Steel Deck Types:
laid and ballasted roof systems. approved base sheets approved
by Duro-Last Engineering Minimum 22 gauge steel: Types
A, B, E, F, H and N
Services Department.
Nongraveled (bald) Class I built-
up roofs (pull test required).
Graveled built-up roofs (pull test
Spudded built-up roofs (pull test
required). 1 of 4 800-248-0280
Duro-Last and “World’s Best Roof” are registered trademarks owned by Duro-Last, Inc.
Created: 01/01/2009 Revised: 12/30/2015