Page 164 - Microsoft Word - 2_Inch_Drain_Adapter_PDS_2016_01_05
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                                                DADE COUNTY (FLORIDA)               PRODUCT & EQUIPMENT
                                                INSTA-STIK Professional Roof        INSTALLATION
                                                Insulation Adhesive meets the       lNSTA-STIK Professional Roof
                                                requirements of Metropolitan Dade   Insulation Adhesive should be
                                                County, Florida, windstorm and fire   mixed prior to use by firmly holding
                                                classifications for roof deck       the container on its side and
                                                applications. Miami Dade Notice of   agitating    the contents using a
                                                Acceptance Number - 02-0726.01,     side-to-side motion for at least 15
                                                expires 10/10/2007                  seconds. Attach the dispensing
                                                                                    hose swivel end to the cylinder
                                                INSTALLATION                        valve. Tighten the connection using
                                                The ideal product temperature at    an open-end wrench being careful
            Figure 4: Installation using INSTA-STIK    the time of application should be   not to over tighten. Verify that the
            Complete                            75°F (24°C). The minimum ambient    on/off valve on the dispensing hose
                                                and surface temperatures must be    is closed. The handle should be
                                                33°F (0.6°C) and rising. INSTA-     perpendicular to the valve. Attach
            TECHNICAL DATA                      STIK is packaged in a single        the dispensing wand kit to the brass
            APPLICABLE STANDARDS                container that should be stored     valve by screwing it in until it is
            Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)   between 50°F (10°C) and 75°F     hand tight. The dispensing wand kit
            - UL 1897 Standard for Safety for   (24°C). At these temperatures, the   is recommended for roof decks with
            Uplift Tests for Roof Covering      shelf life is 15 months from the date   many penetrations or confined
            Systems.                            of manufacture.                     areas.
            Note: INSTA-STIK Professional       SAFETY                              IMPORTANT: When applying
            Roof Insulation Adhesive meets the   When dispensing INSTA-STIK, the    INSTA-STIK, the insulation boards
            requirements of UL 1897 wind uplift   applicator must wear protective   must be placed onto the INSTA-
            resistance tests for steel deck     clothing, work gloves, and          STIK beads within 5 minutes. Walk
            applications. If INSTA-STIK is used   protective eyewear.               on the boards to spread the beads
            in a UL Class A rated roofing                                           for maximum contact. Continue to
            system, the roofing system will     SURFACE PREPARATION                 walk on the insulation boards every
            maintain its UL Class A rating.     All surfaces must be free of any ice,   5-7 minutes until the insulation is
                                                snow, frost, debris, dirt, dust,    firmly attached, usually 15-45
            APPROVALS                           grease, oil, diesel fuel and standing   minutes.
            FM GLOBAL (FM)                      water before INSTA-STIK is
            INSTA-STIK Professional Roof        applied.
            Insulation Adhesive meets the       Re-Cover Over Bituminous Asphalt
            requirements of the following FM
            fire and wind uplift resistance tests   (BUR)
            for FM approved roof deck           A licensed INSTA-STIK instructor,
            application:                        authorized to perform adhesion        HANDLING CHARACTERISTICS
                                                tests, must be on site prior to the   Temperature,
            FLAT (Specific Roof Assembly)       commencement of the project to         Humidity     Tack Free Time
            · Class 1-60   · Class 1-90         determine compatibility. Please       40° F (4° C),
            · Class 1-135  · Class 1-150        contact Duro-Last ES department at    50% relative     45 min.
            · Class 1-165  · Class 1-180        least fourteen (14) days in advance    humidity
            · Class 1-195  · Class 1-210        for further instructions.             75° F (24° C),
            · Class 1-225  · Class 1-240        STEEL DECK                            50% relative     15 min.
            · Class 1-270                       The upper flange of the steel deck     humidity
            TAPERED (Specific Roof              must be free of any debris, dirt,    120° F (49° C),
            Assembly)                           dust, grease, oil, diesel fuel,       25% relative     13 min.
            · Class 1-135  · Class 1-150        standing water, ice, snow or frost.
            · Class 1-165  · Class 1-180        On new steel, the residual shop-oil
                                                coating must be removed using
            · Class 1-195  · Class 1-240        Red Devil TSP90 or equivalent,
            · Class 1-315                       acetone, naphtha, or comparable

                                                Review the roofing insulation plan.
                                                The roof insulation boards to be
                                                attached must be no larger than 4'
                                                × 4' (1.2 m × 1.2 m). In multiple
                                                layers of insulation, the staggered
                                                joint method must be used to
                                                eliminate thermal breaks.

                                3 of 4                                 800-248-0280
                                      Duro-Last and “World’s Best Roof” are registered trademarks owned by Duro-Last, Inc.
                                                  Created: 01/01/2009 Revised: 12/30/2015
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