Page 145 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 145

3. Logic Puzzles

Unit Overview

In contrast to standard textbook problems that use the repetition of problems
and skills, solving puzzles stimulate curiosity and sustain students' interest
and motivation while exercising their intellect. The goal of logic puzzles is for
students to realize the logic and sustaining interest in mathematics during the
process of finding the answers and increasing their intellectual curiosity. The
logic puzzles in this unit are matrices that use the similarities and differences
in the horizontal and vertical axes and Nonograms.

p.50 3. Logic Puzzles p.51

Matrix Puzzles Nonogram
The face shapes in each row and expressions in each column The numbers in shows the number of boxes that are colored
can be put together to make a variety of faces. in that row or column.

Face 312
Expression 2 2 boxes

EExxeerrcciissee Make different expressions by placing each set of eyes 3 3 boxes
with different set of mouths.
1 1`box
Mouth 312
boxes box boxes

EExxeerrcciissee Write the numbers in by counting the number of colored
boxes in each row and column.

13 1 112
1 1
2 2
2 1

50 NUMINO Challenge K1 51Puzzles

First, draw all the mouths. Then, draw the It is important to find the parts that must
eyes to complete the expressions. be colored first. Ask the students where
they need to color first.

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