Page 146 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 146
p.52 Matrix Puzzles Problem solving p.53

Type Study Make different types of buttons by drawing the given button 1 Complete the houses by drawing each roof with each type of
shapes with the given number of holes.
Holes Roof

Carol Diagram Tip
Draw the same roof in
Drawing a table, like the one shown below, to show clear relationship between two criteria is called a Carol each vertical column
Diagram. and the same door in
each horizontal row.
Students in class 1 Criteria
2 Look at the number and color of balloons to find the balloons
Girls boys Total
21 that fit in each space.
Students with glasses 11 10 17
38 132
Students without glasses 9 8
Total 20 18
C Tip
52 NUMINO Challenge K1 Each column has the
same number of


When the given objects are arranged in order according to the properties in the form of a
matrix, it becomes more convenient to find a particular shape of an object or for

p.54 Nonogram Problem solving p.55

Type Study The numbers in the show the number of boxes that are 1 The numbers in show the number of that are in each
colored in each row and column.
column and row. Complete the table by placing one in the
Write the number of the colored boxes in each row and appropriate space.
column in .
1 2
1 1

Color the boxes to match the numbers in . 2
3 Mark an X on the
boxes that cannot
2 have a .

1 2 The number in shows the number of that are in each

Nonogram column and row. Complete the table by placing in the
appropriate spaces.
A nonogram is a puzzle that is solved by using the numbers on the side and top. A basic first step is to find the
largest numbers and color in those spaces first. 132
Nonograms have been successful for students in improving their reasoning, concentration, and intuition and are
used in classrooms in U.S., Japan, and Europe. 2

54 NUMINO Challenge K1 3


First, draw in the
spaces that must be


CWohleonr tchoembpoaxreinsgt3hadtifmfeuresnt tboebcjeoclotsr,emd efiarsstu.rTeheeackheyobtojescot lwviinthg athfiosuprtrhobolbejmecitsthtoatccoalonraacltl
tahseabsotaxnesdainrdt,haendlinceo,ulniktethtehenuomnebeinr onfuemabcehro3b.jeUcstitnogctohme pcaorleoriendirpeacrttlya. s the reference,
mark an X on the spaces that cannot be colored and solve the problem.

17Answer Key
   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151