Page 143 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 143

2. Picture Puzzles

Unit Overview

Students have a short attention span and need to be interested in the subject to
concentrate. The puzzles introduced in this unit involve finding the differences in
pictures and an activity for finding the hidden objects in pictures. These
activities will not only stimulate imagination and creative thinking of the
students, but they will also help in increasing concentration and provide fun,
which will contribute to their overall development. This unit can be used as a
foundation to get students to change their opinions and attitude toward math.

p.44 2. Picture Puzzles p.45

Spot the Difference Find the Hidden Objects
Find the difference in sizes, colors, shapes, numbers, or See the given picture and try to find the hidden objects. You
patterns. can rotate the items if necessary.

The color of the girl’s dress is different. Hidden objects: pepper, sock, hammer, hat, lollipop
The mom’s height is changed.
The mom’s hairstyle is different. EExxeerrcciissee Find the hidden objects.

EExxeerrcciissee Spot and circle 4 differences in the pictures below.

44 NUMINO Challenge K1 Hidden objects: pencil, ginkgo leaf, nail, teddy bear, small shovel

The picture puzzles will develop observation 45Puzzles
skills and improve the ability to think of the
entire object by simply observing parts of the Finding hidden objects in the pictures is a good
object. activity that helps in increasing observation
skills. It is good method for solving hidden
14 NUMINO Challenge K1 picture puzzles in newspapers or magazines.
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