Page 148 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 148
p.58 Number Arrangement Puzzles Problem solving p.59

Type Study There are 5 tiles having the numbers 1 to 5. Use them to fill 1 Follow the example and draw arrows so that the numbers
each puzzle so that the numbers increase in the direction of the
arrows. Solve the puzzles to obtain three different solutions. increase in the direction of the arrows.

2 13
14 1

35 234 2

1 1 2 54
3 3
2 2 45 1 45 Tip
345 Draw arrows on the
dotted lines towards
the greater numbers.

2 Fill in the numbers from 1 to 5 so that the numbers increase

in the direction of the given arrows.

1 1 1

23 24 25
3 3
4 5

Number Arrangement Puzzles and Trial & Error Tip
Think about which
To solve number arrangement puzzles, use different variations until all the conditions are met. The process of numbers should be at
testing out solutions is called trial and error. Students develop their understanding of problem solving when the end of each
they arrive at the set goal using trial and error. They also are able to hone their skills in problem solving and arrow.
58 NUMINO Challenge K1
Through experiences in solving various
Students will not have fully-developed logical number puzzles, students will directly learn
reasoning skills. So, use number cards to the hidden pattern in number puzzles.
have students create their own puzzles.

p.60 Connecting Lines Problem solving p.61

Type Study The number in is the number of lines that are connected to 1 The number in shows the number of connected lines.
the circle. Complete the puzzle by drawing lines to fit the
numbers in . Find the number that is not correct and replace it with the
correct number.
2 23
122 3
Count the number of
lines connected to
each .

Konigsberg Bridge and the Graph Theory 2 The number in shows the number of connected lines.

The graph theory was developed by a Swiss mathematician, Leonhard Euler, as he was attempting to solve the Draw lines to match the numbers in .
problem of the Konigsberg bridge. The graph theory is still being actively researched and involves the study of
the relationship between points and their connections. The Konigsberg bridge problem was an attempt to find a 142
way to walk across seven bridges without crossing a bridge twice. Many struggled to solve this problem and
Euler finally presented proof that it was impossible. 23

He began his proof by thinking of each land mass as a point and the bridges as lines (like the connecting lines Tip
puzzles). This small idea became the root and beginning of the graph theory. Find the number of
lines that are needed
60 NUMINO Challenge K1 to complete the


WIn hceonncnoemctpinagrinlinge3s dpifufzezrelenst,oabjgeocotsd, msteraatseugrye etoacshtaortbjwecitthwisithfinadfionugrtthheobgjerecat ttehsatt ncuamn baecrt
asnda sctoannndeacrdt ,lianneds ctoutnhtatthenunmumbebrerfiorsfte. aGcihveobsjetucdt etontcsoemnpoaurgehintdimireecttloy. figure out each
puzzle individually.

19Answer Key
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