Page 153 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 153

2. Representing Numbers

Unit Overview

In this unit, students will write short sentences using numbers and select
appropriate numbers that fit the flow of the given sentences. These exercises
will foster their improvement of number sense and develop their
communication skills with regards to numbers.
Students will become familiar with numbers when they use numbers to write
sentences and relate those numbers to everyday occurrences. They will also
develop a logical understanding as they look at pictures and sentences and
use the flow to choose appropriate numbers.

p.74 2. Representing Numbers p.75

Numbers into sentences Missing Numbers
Various numbers in everyday life can be represented into Complete the sentences by filling in the missing numbers.

A dog has 4 legs.

I am 7 years old.

Gina was carrying eggs but dropped . She was sad
because she now only has eggs.
There are 12 pencils.

EExxeerrcciissee Write a sentence using a number. EExxeerrcciissee Complete the sentences by filling in the .
2 There are 2 dogs in the garden. 23
6 I have 6 cousins.
Carl had 3toys. For Christmas, he received toys,
Answers will vary.
5so he now has toys.

74 NUMINO Challenge K1 75Numbers

Students will develop their communication Students will become more familiar with
skills as they create sentences using numbers as they find numbers that fit the
numbers and relating them to real life given sentences.

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