Page 151 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 151


1. Counting Numbers

Unit Overview

Students will learn to count objects up to 10 in this unit. The practice of
counting objects with and without given conditions will help them hone their
counting skills. The initial step for counting is to count the number of objects,
and the next step is to count numbers in abstract models to learn the
structure and organization of numbers.

p.68 1. Counting Numbers p.69

Counting numbers Counting Numbers and Conditions
Count the number of fish that are swimming in the ocean. Count the number of ducks that fit the condition.

Birds wearing blue: 4

: 3 fish : 4 fish Birds carrying bags: 3

EExxeerrcciissee Circle the ducks that are wearing hats and then count

EExxeerrcciissee Count the number of each fish in the picture above.


3 ducks

68 NUMINO Challenge K1 69Numbers

Numbers that represent the number of Guide the students to find all the objects
objects are called cardinal numbers. In that satisfy the given conditions.
this unit, students count the number of
objects using cardinal numbers.

22 NUMINO Challenge K1
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