Page 161 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 161


1. Similar Shape

Unit Overview

In this unit, students will develop sense of shapes and will develop basic
mathematical thinking skills by observing various shapes. The accurate
observation and analysis of shapes is the basis of the study of shapes. Initially,
students identify shapes through overall recognition rather than a detailed
study of the shape characteristics. It is important for students to compare the
characteristics of different shapes and identify their differences.

1. Similar Shapes

p.98 p.99

Find the Similar Shapes Find the Cut-out Shape
Among the three shapes, if two can be overlapped completely, The shape that is cut out should fill the cut form completely.
they are the same shape.


A and C overlap completely. The shape that is cut out is the same as
C A and C are the same shape. the shape that is formed on the cut paper.
EExxeerrcciissee Circle all the shapes that are made when the shapes are
When A and B are placed on top of cut out.
each other, they do not overlap
A A and B are not the same shape.

EExxeerrcciissee Find and circle the same shape as the given shape.

98 NUMINO Challenge K1 99Geometry

Finding which shapes overlap completely is Students can use a paper and scissors to
an introductory activity as to what students compare the cut-out shape to the original
will learn in the 5th grade, when they compare shape.
shapes and sizes of geometric figures.

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