Page 166 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 166
p.112 Cutting Shapes Problem solving p.113

Type Study Circle the pieces that are needed to make the shape on the 1 The shape on the left is cut to make pieces on the right.
Draw the lines where the shape was cut and circle the pieces
that are made.

12-piece Puzzle Tip
First, find the pieces
Each person should have 3 pieces of origami paper of the same color. Cut each paper into 4 pieces to make a on the right that can
total of 12 pieces. Mix the 12 pieces and exchange with a partner to play the 12-piece puzzle game. be used to make the
Students will cut, move, and match shapes to build their geometric sense while having fun and creating their shape on the left.
own puzzles.
When piecing the puzzle together, it is actually easier to piece more complex pieces. Piecing together simpler Geometry 113
shapes like triangles or quadrilaterals is harder. Have students cut simple shapes and move, rotate, and flip to
piece together each puzzle. Allow the students to perform a check by
cutting and piecing together the shapes.
112 NUMINO Challenge K1

This activity involving the piecing together
of parts of an entire figure develops
spatial sense.

p.114 Overlapping shapes Problem solving p.115

Type Study The following two shapes are drawn on transparencies. 1 Find the two transparencies that can be overlapped to make
Which shape is made when the two transparencies overlap?
the pattern in the box.

Think about the
transparencies on top
of a blank paper.

2 Draw the shape that can be made when the given

transparencies are overlapped.

Names of Figures Tip
Colored portions are
When the exact name of a figure is unknown, use common language for the students. For example, a square still colored when the
may be called a “box.” If students know the figures’ names and characteristics and can use the language transparencies are
naturally, then have them use the vocabulary that they know. overlapped.

114 NUMINO Challenge K1 Geometry 115

PWrheednicct othmepsahrianpge3odf iaffefrigeunrteowbjheecnts,twmoeasshuarpeeesaacrhe oobvjeerclatpwpitehdaafnoduruthseotbrjaencstptharaetnccaiensatcot
adsraawsatannddoavrder,lapndshcaopuenst tohrefinguumrebse. r of each object to compare indirectly.

37Answer Key
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