Page 168 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 168
p.118 Pattern Blocks Problem solving p.119

Type Study Choose one of the following pattern blocks that has to be 1 Use two different pattern blocks to make the shape on the right.
used 4 times to fill the rest of the figure.

First, find the biggest
pattern block to fill
the given shape.

2 The rabbit can be made using 6 types of pattern blocks. Circle

the two pattern blocks that must be used.

Pattern Blocks Tip
Look at the rabbit s
Pattern blocks were developed in the 1960s by the Elementary Science Studies. Pattern blocks are widely used ears and tail.
in activities at schools. These manipulatives can be used to study shapes, learn about patterns, and play strategy
games. Geometry 119

118 NUMINO Challenge K1

A puzzle must be dynamic. Have the students use colored paper to make their own
pattern blocks so that they are able to match blocks on their own.

p.120 Tangram Problem solving p.121

Type Study Use the colored tangrams to make and color the shapes on 1 The seven tangram pieces are used to make a dolphin. Write
the right.
the letter of the pieces used.

Think about how the
pieces change when
they are rotated or

2 The seven tangram pieces are used to make a tiger. Draw

how the remaining shape is made using rest of the pieces.
Write the number of each piece.

Tangram Tip
First, find where the
Tangram is a dissection puzzle that originated in China. It was widely used and is still a popular puzzle. The largest piece, is
seven pieces are used to form specific shapes without overlapping pieces. used.

120 NUMINO Challenge K1 Geometry 121

Spatial concepts can be understood by Have the students complete the puzzles
students by using Tangrams to compare to give them practice in imagining the
size, shape, and symmetry. rotated or flipped image of shapes.

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