Page 165 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 165

3. Cutting and Overlapping

Unit Overview

In this unit, students will cut and overlap shapes. Students must have hands on
practice with cutting and overlapping shapes to observe the properties of shapes
because they have not yet developed a way to describe the number of lines,
length, and size of angles in shapes.
Through these activities, students will develop an intuition for recognizing shapes
and will build a base for solving or completing more difficult activities later on.

p.110 3. Cutting and Overlapping p.111

Cutting Shapes Overlapping Shapes
If a shape is cut along the lines, it is divided into different pieces.
When shapes drawn on transparencies are overlapped, the
shapes in the same location overlap to look like one shape and
shapes in different locations look like separate shapes.

When the cut pieces are put together, the original shape can
be formed.

EExxeerrcciissee Draw the shape that will be made when the two
transparencies are overlapped.

EExxeerrcciissee Find the pieces that are made when the paper is cut along
the lines.


110 NUMINO Challenge K1 Geometry 111

Find the number of pieces and the shape The understanding of shapes can be
of each piece after a shape is cut. assisted by this activity where students
have to combine figures.

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