Page 163 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 163

2. Symmetry and Origami

Unit Overview

Symmetry can be found in objects that we use in our daily lives and in nature.
Origami can be used for studying the characteristics of shapes and how they
are made. This will develop their foundational knowledge and will allow
students to appreciate designs, art, and nature. In this unit, students will also
be able to build a foundation for studying solid figures and continue to learn
the properties of all shapes.

p.104 2. Symmetry and Origami p.105

Symmetrical Shapes Fold and Cut Origami
If watercolor is used to paint a shape on one side of a paper The shapes on two sides of a fold are the same when the paper
and then the paper is folded in half, both halves will have the is folded, cut along the line, and unfolded.
same drawing.
Cut Unfold
Fold Unfold
Unfolded paper
Unfolded paper
If the unfolded paper is folded along the line, EExxeerrcciissee Which shape will be made when the origami paper is
folded in half and cut along the line?
the shapes overlap completely.

EExxeerrcciissee Draw the shape made when a paper with a watercolor
drawing is folded in half and the unfolded.


104 NUMINO Challenge K1 Geometry 105

Symmetry includes line symmetry, plane Students develop spatial sense in different
symmetry, rotational symmetry, and point ways and at different times. Students that
symmetry. In this unit, students will only cannot imagine the shape of a paper that
study line symmetry. was cut when folded can be guided to use a
paper and scissors to try it out on their own.
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