Page 185 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 185
Activity 1 Observing Soma Cube Pieces

jOb ective Visualize how Soma Cube pieces can form different types of figures.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 1 Observing Soma Cube Pieces Geo Cubes

1. Have students answer questions about 1 . The followings are the 7 Soma Cube pieces.
classifying Soma Cube pieces.
1a. Classify the pieces according to the conditions below.
They just need to examine each figure and
count the number of cubes. Caution them to What you need:
be careful when they examine figure
They should understand that four cubes were a. Classify the Soma Cube pieces according to the number of cubes in
used to form that figure. Point out that one each piece.
cube appears to be raised, meaning the
fourth cube is hidden. Only one figure, figure 3 cubes 4 cubes
7, consists of three cubes. ,,,,,

Students might need help answering 1b. b. Classify the Soma Cube pieces according to the number of layers
Suggest that they take each figure and see that they can form.
what happens if they rotate it in different
directions. Soma Cube pieces that can Soma Cube pieces that cannot
Are all the cubes on one level? Or are form a single layer form a single layer
some pieces still raised no matter how
they position the figure? , ,, ,,
Students should realize that figures 2, 4, and
6 always have some pieces raised no matter 100
how they position those figures.

2. Build Understanding

Caution students that although the same color is used for each Soma Cube piece throughout this unit, the
Soma Cube pieces have different numbers in each activity. Also, the Soma Cube pieces are rotated
differently in each activity.
Example: Green shape number 1 is identified as shape number 4 on page 99 in the textbook. It also is lying
flat. These differences will help students become accustomed to visualizing the pieces in different positions.

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