Page 187 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 187
Activity 2 Making Figures

jOb ective Use Soma Cube pieces to make figures other than cubes.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 2 Making Figures

1. Help students learn how to use Soma 1 . Use Soma Cube pieces to make other figures.
Cube pieces to make other figures by playing
a game. Let’s Play

The game will help students develop their 1. Guess which Soma Cube pieces are needed to What you need:
ability to visualize spatial relationships and form the figure shown on each card. Write
understand how to combine shapes to form
new figures. Students will create the new down the numbers of the pieces in Guess Geo Cubes
shapes using the seven Soma Cube pieces box
they formed earlier in this unit.
2. Make the figure with the Soma Cube pieces
Remind students to look at the Soma Cube
pieces carefully and compare their positions to check your answer.
in this activity to their positions in Activity 1.
Remind them that they can rotate the pieces 3. If you are correct, follow the arrow to the next figure.
to create the new figures.
If you are wrong, repeat the process of Guess and Check.

4. The winner is the person who correctly guesses all the figures first.


2. Build Understanding

Be sure students read and understand all the rules and look at the cards on pages 103 and 104 before
beginning Round 1. Remind them that the first step is to guess which pieces are needed to form the shapes
shown on the game cards. Tell them they can check their answers by assembling the figures after they write
down their answers. Also remind students that when they form the new shapes, the Soma Cube pieces will
not necessarily fit in the same way as they are illustrated on page 102.
Example: To form one figure, students may need to place shape 1

so that two cubes are flat and one cube is raised in the air.

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